Often when you're in a location for a number of days shooting the same scene you need consistency in the lighting set-up. All the apertures available in the space are normally used to project light through. This is fine unless you want to see out the window you happen to be lighting through, in that case all the hardware and the light itself will compromise the outlook. To overcome this problem we have underslung 2 x 18k HMI lamps from the bucket of a knuckle boom. This allows us to lower the lamps until they're just out side the frame of the window. You can achieve maximum illuminance from the fixtures you have. We have developed a pulley system to retract the power feed cables along the boom of the bucket. Using this system enables the cable to be fed out no matter what the length of the boom arm.

Vivid Light 2013 Sydney
Vivid enjoyed another great year in Sydney. Even better was the late autumn weather. Crowds exceeded last years record numbers. Again the projections were the crowd pullers. Its great that the vivid organisers have developed different streams for the applicants, as event projections are completely different from architecural lighting and light sculptures.

It was amazing to see the space we lit filled with people enjoying the ambience we helped create.

Mother courage with Warwick Thornton
Mother courage with Warwick Thornton
Warwick Thornton's video installation for the Berlin Biennale and the Australian centre for the moving image in Melbourne
We are shooting the video component which will be later rear projected in purpose built screens that fit inside the van
The title of the work is "mother courage" a nod to Berholt Brechts famous play
The lighting set up consisted of 2 bank kino and 2 x dedo lights. We are using 2 X Red cameras to record the footage