The tyranny of chandelier lighting,
if your not lighting the prisms, then your not refracting light, then the chandelier won’t appear to sparkle as it’s meant too.
See how the bottom of the luminare looks dull without sparkle?
Chandeliers are Usually positioned in dominant viewing positions like high ceilinged lobbies or in the void above staircases. As a feature designed to attract the eye and impress the viewer with a feeling of grandeur.
Direct lighting is required to enhance the sparkle and glitter as the light is refracted from prisms. This is especially a problem now with the influx of LED lighting into the hospitality sector. Without proper specification the wrong LED luminaire may be used. LED are renowned for luminance and not illuminance.
If your planning to hang a chandelier you need to be prepared to thoroughly research the luminaries used to illuminate the prisms
Fake News: Lighting 3-D visualisations

We only see reflected light

I can understand the importance of lighting the beach at night in such a high profile holiday destination such as Surfers Paradise. People choose to come here because of the famous beach so why leave the beach solely for daylight activities? The sand is just as soft white and clean at night as it is during the day.
But what is also equally important is the connection between the beach and the commercial precinct. The space where you cross the road from the hotels you're staying in and make your way along the foreshore boardwalk.
The problem is walking along the boardwalk at night is unbearable due to the glare from the flat panel LEDs . These panels are asked to light everything from the curbside to the high water line.
I can understand the cost is the driving factor here (we already have poles here so let's just use them), but surely a compromise could be made. Floodlight the beach by all means but the boardwalk and the plants & shrubs and landscaping bordering it should defined differently. By separating the different spaces with light you define the space and its use.
As film and TV lighting designer you soon learn that it's important to use different light sources for different scenes within the same overall scenario, for example if you want to light a portrait of someone sitting in a chair and light the wall that the chair rests against as well you might be tempted to think that one light can do both things, but if you want the wall to have texture or relief you need to have the light source oblique from the point of view of the viewers, but then the subject in the chair would be subject to harsh shadowing, the answer is to light the two planes separately.
The same process can be applied to landscape lighting. Define the dominant point of view, isolate the interesting elements with light, (or shadow) and create a tableau. Viewers will be enchanted.

Vivid Light 2013 Sydney
Vivid enjoyed another great year in Sydney. Even better was the late autumn weather. Crowds exceeded last years record numbers. Again the projections were the crowd pullers. Its great that the vivid organisers have developed different streams for the applicants, as event projections are completely different from architecural lighting and light sculptures.

Heliostats on Broadway
Exciting new architecture project being built in the City south
The eastern tower features a passive solar design (a heliostat installation) extending from the upper levels on a monumental cantilever. The heliostat incorporates an innovative system of fixed and motorized mirrored panels designed to capture sunlight and redirect it into the retail atrium and onto the landscaped terraces. At night the heliostat’s integrated lighting will display video interpretations of Sydney landscapes.
reF: http://kennovations.com.au/architectural-solutions/architectural-heliostats/one-central-park-architectural-heliostats-light-reflectors/
Although I'm a little concerned how they would work. As the mirrors are positioned horizontal Otto the ground , How does sunlight fall upon them? Are those mirrors on the smaller tower and will they reflect light back up into the mirrors above them ? That would produce too much glare for the residences located below the heliostats. Are the heliostats mounted onto a large arm that will raise them up to vertical? Cant wait to find out? Come back later for more info...

The recent events in detroit saddened me. Although Never having visited the city, it's influence on my cultural upbring was still enormous Detroit destiny - Mobile 1

It was amazing to see the space we lit filled with people enjoying the ambience we helped create.